Hey guys, having fun at the zoo I’m sure? Today is all about you! We would like to know what your favorite animal at the Henry Vilas zoo is! I want to see a lot of comments of your favorite animals and I challenge you to tell me 3 facts about that animal, If you don’t know a lot about your animal ask some questions and one of us will answer them as best as we can! We are very excited to hear about your likes of animals! Don’t forget to visit your favorite animal at the zoo! They are there everyday for you to see them!!! Go to the zoo and come check back in with us for more updates.
Thanks, Sarah
Hey, I'll start this off! My favorite animals is the Cabybara.(they're by the bird house) I love these guys cause they're the worlds largest rodents! Plus, they enjoy swimming, especially on hot days, and they (Mostly) live in the South America!